Restore order and harmony out of chaos and gain more control over your time and space.

Organizing Personal Spaces

We tackle clutter in every space in your home, whether it be a garage, office, pantry or playroom. Our four step process will provide more space and harmony.

  1. We EVALUATE how you want the space to function for you and your family.

  2. We SORT your belongings and help you decide what can be donated, recycled or tossed. 

  3. We ASSIGN each item a home or zone and put creative systems in place for storing and maintaining order. 

  4. The final step is to SET UP and contain using your current organizational supplies and recommend additional products if needed.

While every space has its limits, we want you to be able to hold on to the things that are important to you. Some people prefer a space that is very pared down, while others love to live with lots of knick-knacks, photos, and art objects. No matter your preference, we work together to make it just right for you!

Have a collection of snow globes, antique lunch boxes, or teacups? We love to showcase collections and are always up for the challenge of incorporating a collection into your space without making it look like clutter. We find simple and beautiful ways to curate, highlight, and showcase those pieces that add personality to your home.

Move Management

Whether you are downsizing, starting an estate cleanout or supporting a senior transition, we are here to help. At Home Space Harmony we support you through every step of the process from pre-move decluttering, to managing vendors, to responsibly discarding or donating unwanted items.

Have you moved months ago and still have unopened boxes stacked up in the bedroom, garage, or basement? Hiring assistance to unpack your belongings can make a big difference in the time it takes to feel settled in your new home. As soon as you move in is the best time to set efficient organizing systems in place so that your new home fits your lifestyle.


Organization Consultation

You'll get up to 60 minutes either in person or virtually to discuss as many rooms as possible. We will offer ways to better organize your space, suggestions for organizing products, and tasks to move you forward. This package includes one email follow up.

Just Start Package

Ready for a home edit but don’t know where or how to begin?  For new clients only, our “Just Start” organizing special includes an initial assessment call, three hour declutter session (complete with a sheet of customizable labels) and a follow up assessment where we make suggestions for products and tasks to help you realize your home space harmony goals. 

Hands on organization work — $75/hour (3 hour Min)

Shopping assistance — $35/hour

Extras at no charge include removal of donations (donations must fit in the organizer's vehicle) and travel time within 20 miles (of Lexington, MA). There is a nominal charge for further destinations.

Ready to get organized, but still have a few questions?

Answers to our most frequently asked questions are here.