Often I see my clients get overwhelmed and try to do a marathon organizing session that ends in burnout. Choosing a project that is huge can be so intimidating. To stay motivated, break large projects into smaller, more manageable pieces. Instead of trying to do the entire kitchen at once, declutter the cabinet under the kitchen sink or prune your Tupperware stash.
That feeling of accomplishment and pride that comes with starting and completing an organized space is the secret to staying motivated! That little amount of time once a day (or once a week) organizing one small space will not only look better but you will now have made organizing a lifelong habit.
Here are 15 power tidys you can tackle in 15 minutes. Commit to getting one done today!
Declutter and organize receipts
Organize gift wrap supplies
Create a cleaning caddy for each bathroom
Organize the glove box in your car
Clean out the medicine cabinet
Shred old documents
Create a coupon storage solution
Organize a linen closet shelf
Label cords and cables
Purge and organize spices
Plan meals for the week
Set up a donation bin
Declutter one bedroomsurface
Purge unwanted craft supplies
Make sure all your batteries are in one location