We are all spending more time at home than we are used to. As the turmoil and uncertainty of this virus surround us, we can use this as an opportunity to focus on creating harmony in our living space.
Our homes are our sanctuaries - even more now that we are stuck in them. It is during these times that we need to bring more peace and serenity to our home. We have little control over the outside world but we can control our space. Here are three areas of your home that are instrumental in creating a more nurturing nest. Take a few minutes to scan these areas with a critical eye.
Create a good front entrance impression. What do you think people see when they catch the first glimpse of your world? The front entrance is the space where we transition physically and emotionally from the exterior to the interior. It needs to bring comfort, joy, and wellbeing. Even if it is cramped and chaotic, it can be an organized space. Are there outgrown shoes and outerwear piling up? Do you have creative solutions in place that work with your habits and lifestyle? Do you need this here, now? Does everything need to be visible?
Create nourishing energy in your bedroom. In other words, clear bedroom clutter. The bedroom should be a place where you can relax and rejuvenate without constant reminders of undone chores. Make your bed. Add a candle. Subtract things from your nightstand (and bureaus) and from the floor beside it. Put away all those extra books, magazines, and old water glasses. Add a candle and a little bit of nature in this space - even if it is just a clipping from the backyard.
Make your kitchen counter a place of peace. The kitchen is the heart of the home so it is natural for the kitchen counter to accumulate stuff. There comes a point when a cluttered counter becomes a magnet for more clutter, such as permission slips, gift cards, incoming mail, and keys. Start fresh by removing everything from your counter. Relocate infrequently used appliances. Create a landing strip near the front door to house incoming mail, paperwork, keys. Better use your cabinets for those items that don’t need to live on the counter. Selectively put back only a few items you use daily or find beautiful and inspiring.
There are so many other ways to take advantage of this time at home to create a happy space. We love power tidys - that little amount of time once a day organizing one small space really pays off. See our recent blog here on little projects you can do around your home during this time to create a more harmonious and nurturing space for everyone.
During this time we have temporarily halted in-person consultations but are happy to get you jumpstarted. Feel free to reach out to us here if you want to schedule a free call to talk about your space.