A clean and organized closet can give you peace of mind and save you money. That’s the goal, but the reality is that a lot of closets are hot messes, cluttered with clothing and items that are no longer worn or loved. Simplify your life with these five closet storage solutions that restore order, and add a touch of luxury to the space.
Start with the declutter and embrace the power of the sort.The first step is always to completely empty the space. As you are sorting, you should place each item in one of four piles: keep in the closet, rehome to another space in the home, donate or throw away/drop in a textile bin (read here about the new MA rule about throwing away clothing).
Throughout your decluttering process, make decisions based on facts. Have I worn it in the past year? Does it still match my current style? Is it still in good condition? Does it still fit? And my favorite: if I was in a store today, would I buy this? There's no point in spending time organizing clothes you'll never wear.
Source: Dera Burreson
Put like items together. If you can’t find what’s in your closet now, you may buy something you already have, creating even more clutter. That’s where getting things organized by category makes a huge difference. We like to organize clothing by category/occasion, and within each category, organize by color. When you put your shirts, skirts, and pants together, you can see what you actually have in your wardrobe. For instance, having one shelf with work/business shirts, while the bottom one holds more casual button-downs, long sleeves and pullovers makes getting dressed in the morning much easier.
Consider your closet configuration. Obviously, you’ll want to use every available square inch in your space. If you have the budget, taking down those wire shelves and adding in a customized closet system like the Elfa system from Container Store may be the way to go. Track systems allow for change or additions in the future as your wardrobe or lifestyle changes. Want a more do it yourself option? Have fun building your own system from Easy Closets. If you're not ready to invest in a full closet system, look for inexpensive products that hang on traditional hanging bars and boost closet storage like this. Consider another rod to double your hanging space or utilize over the door storage like this that can come in canvas or metal options.
Source: Reid Rolls, InStyle
Create a boutique feel. When you love the look of your closet, you will be much more likely to maintain its organization. No matter how big the space, you can create little moments of luxury. Add fancy drawer pulls, a pop of wallpaper or paint, a plush seat, or even a cool mirror or framed artwork. Showcase your handbags and pretty shoes. Use these shelf dividers to make your jeans or sweaters look like they are in a high end boutique. And our number one tip is to invest in matching hangers. Trust us, it will make all the difference in the world.
Lighten it up. Items can be easily overlooked in a dark closet. Whether you have enough space for a puck light or a statement chandelier, make sure good lighting is factored into your design. If you want to avoid manually turning the lights on every time you open the closet door, consider installing motion sensor light fixtures like these or these.