Before the holidays are upon us, now is the perfect time to set aside a few hours to declutter your home. Take a few minutes to get rid of things that haven’t been touched since last spring and make room for new items that will likely make their way into your space during the upcoming season.
By clearing out unwanted items ahead of time, the excess and mess that often comes with the holidays won’t seem so overwhelming. As an added bonus, others can benefit from any donations you make. You don’t have to turn it into a massive undertaking. Here are seven places to start your decluttering now.
Linen Closets: They are a magnet for clutter. Decide what you actually use or need for hosting guests and toss items that are dupes or worn out. Extra credit for stocking up on essential guest room items, like blankets and extra pillows.
Spice Cabinet. You will probably be spending a lot more time in the kitchen this season so give this space a little extra love. Stock up on favorite holiday spices like cinnamon and nutmeg. Discard any that are old and have no scent. Combine duplicates into one jar if possible. Try to use the space the most efficiently, by taking advantage of the multitude of spice organizers available (turntables, over door, magnetic). Group them together by what makes sense to you (frequently used, alphabetical, savory vs, sweet).
Cold Weather Gear: Realistically how many gloves, hats and scarves (my downfall) do you need for this upcoming season? Have the kids outgrown their winter boots? Now is a good time to take inventory and clean out what is not needed and wash what is needed.
Source: Etsy
Medicine Cabinet: Flu and cold season will soon be upon us. Get a head start by organizing meds (allergies, cold/flu, pain relief, digestion) and discard those that have expired. Restock the essentials.
Gift Wrapping Supplies. Toss any gift wrapping supplies (crunched bows!) that have seen better days. Sort into categories (bags, tissue, bows/ribbon, etc) and take stock of what you already have and what you are missing. Target, Marshalls, TJ Maxx and HomeGoods are fantastic resources for stocking up on reasonably priced, pretty supplies.
Source: House by the Preserve
Toys: Make some room for new toys that will inevitably find their way into your home in the coming months. Get rid of any toys that aren’t being played with anymore, are broken, missing pieces or your kids have outgrown.
Holiday Decorations: Some stand the test of time, but you should toss those icicle lights that no longer work or those Thanksgiving centerpieces the kids made that have seen better days. If you don’t plan to use them this year or haven’t used them in a couple of years, consider donating them. Don’t feel any obligation to keep an item unless you use it regularly or love it.
Source: House Logic